The Northstar Church Multiplication Center is based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, equipping churches and church planters in the work of birthing new healthy communities of disciples. Their vision is to see churches reproducing themselves through the establishment of new churches dedicated to loving God, loving others and making followers of Jesus.
As a whole, the CCCC has joined other Christians in our nation in making extraordinary followers of Jesus through a church planting movement that raises up new churches that love God, love others and make disciples.
We believe that by the year 2020 over one-half of the member churches in the Conference will be healthy reproducing churches started by the CCCC in the 21st Century. A majority of these new churches will be planted in major metropolitan areas and will reach people from every generation and ethnic group. They will be diverse in their approach to ministry representing various expressions of the movement of the Spirit in the local church.
We believe that other churches will be bron in rural and suburban settings as daughter churches of existing CCCC member churches that have rediscovered their mission to make disciples and impact their communities. We envision that every CCCC church will know the joy of birthing one or more daughter churches.
As a whole, the CCCC has joined other Christians in our nation in making extraordinary followers of Jesus through a church planting movement that raises up new churches that love God, love others and make disciples.
We believe that by the year 2020 over one-half of the member churches in the Conference will be healthy reproducing churches started by the CCCC in the 21st Century. A majority of these new churches will be planted in major metropolitan areas and will reach people from every generation and ethnic group. They will be diverse in their approach to ministry representing various expressions of the movement of the Spirit in the local church.
We believe that other churches will be bron in rural and suburban settings as daughter churches of existing CCCC member churches that have rediscovered their mission to make disciples and impact their communities. We envision that every CCCC church will know the joy of birthing one or more daughter churches.